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2025 Academic SCholarships

Key Dates
Application Opens
February 28, 2025
Applications Due
April 21, 2025 // 5pm
Awards Announced
May 16, 2025

We are pleased to announce that applications for our 2025 College Scholarship program have opened -- as of February 28, 2025.

All scholarship applications are DUE by 5pm on April 21, 2025.

We will award up to FIVE scholarships annually

  • Students pursuing a four-year post secondary degree will be awarded $1,000/year
  • Students pursuing a two-year technical degree will be awarded $500/year

Who Qualifies

  1. Individuals who have worked a minimum of 200 hours in the local food service industry (Glynn or McIntosh County) during 2024/2025, and are currently enrolled as a full time student in high school (Senior); a four-year post secondary institution; or a two-year technical program
  2. Children of individuals who are CURRENTLY working FULL TIME as a food service worker within the local “Golden Isles” community (Glynn or McIntosh County) and have been consistently employed as such for a minimum of 12 months prior to the date of application

Minimum Criteria To Apply

  1. CURRENTLY enrolled as a SENIOR in high school, OR enrolled in a four-year college or university, OR enrolled in a two-year technical degree program through one of Georgia’s public academic or technical colleges
  1. Maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or higher 
  2. Demonstrate good citizenship and community service

Interested Students Who Qualify and Meet Minimum Criteria Must Satisfy the Following:

  1. Complete the on-line application
  2. Provide an official high school or college transcript from CURRENT academic institution
  3. Include a resume of skills, education, employment, and community service
  4. Provide at least one letter of recommendation from either a high school faculty member, or an employer supervisor from work within the local food service industry
  5. Write and submit a 1-3 paragraph statement outlining how you have effectively demonstrated GOOD CITIZENSHIP and/or COMMUNITY SERVICE within the past twelve (12) months. The statement must be written entirely by the applicant (not edited by others), and cannot be more than 500 words

Note: Proof of enrollment in a four-year college of university, or a two-year technical college or degree program will be required if selected.